Everything that we see has a place in culture.
Everything in some sense is a sign.
Truth? Don't look for it anymore.
Signified - conceptSignifier - thing that carries the meaning (Material thing)Cannot have signifier without signified.Concept - tree - signifiedSound pattern - signifier - thing you can see/hear
- Roland Barthes - mythologist book - used semiotics to examine popular culture artifacts.
Language - denotation - literal meaning, 1st order signification, visibly present
Myth - connotation - rhetorical meaning, 2nd order signification, suggested by the image/idea.
Daniel Chandler - very inciteful (use for essay) http://www.aber.ac.uk/media/Documents/S4B/sem06.html
"an image is a sight which has been recreated or reproduced" - Berger
"Seeing comes before words. The child recognises before it can speak" - Berger
- Charlie Parker - graphic designer - nature
- Abram Games - graphic designer - A lot of clever metaphors and signs.
- Grayson Perry
Linguistics - study of language
Semiotics - science of signs
Meanings that are made through 'theorema' meaning to view, observe and reflect.
Semiotics derives from the study of linguistics.
Language is both constructed and inherited, culturally specific, a system of signs, organised in codes and structures.
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